Hose Safety Awareness Week: A Comprehensive Approach to Safety in Every Link of the Chain

Hose Master partners with NAHAD to promote Hose Safety Awareness Week, emphasizing the
criticality of hose safety in the industrial market. Safety is a collective mindset across the supply
chain, involving manufacturers, distributors, and end-users. Each sector has distinct roles and
responsibilities to uphold for industry-wide safety practices.

Manufacturers’ Responsibilities:

Manufacturers play a pivotal role in ensuring that the hoses and related products they produce
are safe and reliable. Their responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring Performance to Specifications: Products must perform to their published
    specifications, ensuring they meet the necessary standards for safety and functionality.
  • Quality Assurance Systems: Implementing robust Quality Assurance (QA) systems is
    essential for promoting quality, providing a structured approach for continuous
    improvement, and proactively identifying and rectifying potential safety issues.
  • Safety Prioritization: Manufacturers need to prioritize safety for both production
    workers and end-users, including stringent testing and safety protocol adherence during

Distributors’ Responsibilities:

Distributors play a vital role linking manufacturers to end-users, with crucial responsibilities.

  • Accurate Information Exchange: It is vital to ensure that accurate and complete
    application information is received from customers and conveyed to the manufacturer.
    This ensures that the right product is delivered for the specific application.
  • Proper Training and Certification: Fabricators in the distribution network need proper
    training and certification to ensure they can create safe hose assemblies.
  • Safe Storage and Shipping: Products must be stored and shipped in a manner that
    prevents damage, preserving their integrity and safety.
  • Guidance and Support: Distributors should assist customers with proper handling,
    installation, testing, inspection, and storage of hose assemblies. This guidance helps in
    maintaining safety throughout the product’s lifecycle.
  • Proper Tagging and Periodic Audits: Ensuring hose assemblies are properly tagged
    as required protects operators. Regular audits of job sites help verify adherence to
    safety protocols.

End-User Responsibilities:

End-users play a crucial role in the chain, and their compliance with safety practices is vital.

  • Providing Detailed Information: End-users need to provide detailed information on the
    intended service, fitting specifications, code requirements, and more for selecting the
    right hose and ensuring safe operation.
  • Verifying Proper Handling: It is essential to verify that hose assemblies are handled
    according to the information provided by manufacturers and distributors.
  • Establishing Inspection Protocols: Having clear protocols for hose inspection and
    testing helps determine when a hose should be taken out of service, preventing potential
  • Proper Installation: Hoses must be installed to avoid overbending, external damage, or
    exposure to corrosive agents. Proper installation prevents premature failure and
    enhances safety.
  • Using Hoses for Intended Applications: Never use a hose assembly for any service
    other than its intended application. Misuse can lead to dangerous failures and accidents.


Hose safety is a collective responsibility necessitating commitment and diligence from all
stakeholders. Embracing a safety-first approach and following best practices ensures a secure
work environment. Let’s use Hose Safety Awareness Week as a reminder to review and
reinforce our safety protocols, making hose safety a continuous priority.

For more information, please contact Hose Master at (800) 221-2319 or visit our website at

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