HSI Membership is Changing

HSI Membership is Changing

October 24, 2024  2:00PM – 2:45 PM EDT

Join Andy Christmas, HSI Committee Chair, and Mike Mortensen, Education Committee Chair in a discussion about the changes to the HSI Membership program beginning January 1, 2025. In this session we explain the ‘why’ of changing HSI Membership to and HSI Designation and review the criteria for your company and branches to earn the HSI Designation. 

Learning objectives:

  • Have a comprehensive understanding of why NAHAD is moving from HSI Membership to and HSI Designation. 
  • Information related to the new designation requirements for both Manufacturers and Distributors. 
  • Next steps to follow including automatic renewal for current HSI members and the application process for companies who feel they qualify and would like to request the HSI designation.  

Intended Audience: NAHAD members, both distributors and manufacturers who are key decision makers for their company.

Level of Complexity: Overview 

Mike Mortensen, President & CEO of ARG Industrial and 1st Vice President, NAHAD 


Andy Christmas, Regional Business Development Manager at McGill Hose & Coupling; HSI Committee Chair  

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